Our Goal is to make Roku Development Better

We provide and maintain Open Source solutions to enhance your Roku development workflows

An efficient DX for Roku in VSCode

Technicolor is here

Syntax highlighting & code formatting

Syntax highlighting

Just play it

Sideload your app with One Click

No need to zip your app, open your browser, or even know your device's IP address!

Sideload with one click

Debugging Excellence

Breakpoints and variable inspection

Add breakpoints anywhere. Inspect and watch variables. Run brs commands. Conditionally enable and disable breakpoints. And much more!

Debugging and variable inspection
A better Layout Editor

These images show the SG nodes of the MarkupListExample sample project from the official documentation.

Powered by RTA

A better Layout Editor

Inspect all your SceneGraph nodes, including ArrayGrid children! Easy to setup, Open Source and completely within VSCode.

Layout editor details

No batteries needed

Control your device from your computer

Fill inputs with your keyboard and navigate with the arrow keys. Pick from 100+ bundled keybindings or define your own.

Control your device from your computer

Photo by RK Lokesh on Unsplash

Start coding like a pro

RokuCommunity Presents


The Modern Language You Needed

BrighterScript adds new features like namespaces, enums, and modern syntax improvements. Write less code, more efficiently.

A Result You Can Trust

BrighterScript compiles to native BrightScript. Run the compiled result on any Roku device. Source maps will point back to your original code when debugging.

Safety at Compile Time

The BrighterScript CLI will notify you of syntax errors and potential program crashes before your code even reaches the device.


npm install brighterscript -g

Tap once to select command

Language specification


(Coming soon)

Learn BrighterScript

Trusted in production by industry giants

Fubo Tv Inverted Solutions Tantawowa Applicaster REDspace Corco plus Digital Picture Frame Haystack News

Linter & formatter

Your code, your rules


npm install -D @rokucommunity/bslint brighterscript-formatter

Tap once to select command

Define the Lint & Format rules you know and love in JSON format.

Our VSCode Plugin will flag lint errors as you type.

Integrate your Lint & Format checks as part of a CI/CD pipeline.

Linter docs open_in_new
Formatter docs open_in_new
The linter and formatter can be configured with JSON files

Powered by npm

The package manager you didn't know you needed


npm i ropm -g

Tap once to select command

"Today I want a BrightScript HTTP framework for Roku apps, inspired by Python Requests"

> ropm install roku-requests

Discover ropm packages open_in_new

In RokuCommunity

What's new?

February 2024

Changes to vscode-brightscript-language, brighterscript, roku-deploy, roku-debug, bslint

January 2024

Changes to vscode-brightscript-language, brighterscript, roku-debug, brighterscript-formatter, bslint, brs

December 2023

Find missing function refs in XML, brighterscript gets optional keyword, brs optional chaining fixes and added try/catch, brighterscript alphas get better name collision detection

Keep me updated See all the updates

Be in the room where it happens

Join RokuCommunity

Bronley Plumb's face

Bronley Plumb

Founder of RokuCommunity. Creator of BrighterScript. Tooling Engineer at Fubo.tv

All of these tools are made available for free, and are maintained by a wonderful group of developers who care about improving the entire Roku development scene (as well as several very generous companies who donate developer time). Please get in touch if you are interested in contributing. There's so much work to be done, such as:

  • Documentation
  • Bug fixes
  • New feature implementation
  • Github issues management
  • And much more!

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The views and opinions expressed in this website and all of its pages are those from within our open source community and do not represent the views or positions of Roku, Inc. or any entities they represent.

Designed with favorite by @arturocuya, powered by Astro