' /**
' * @module CommonUtils
' */
' /******************
' Common utility functions
' /******************
' /**
' * @name IsXmlElement
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains XMLElement interface
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value contains XMLElement interface, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isXmlElement(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifXMLElement") <> invalid
end function
' /**
' * @name IsFunction
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains Function interface
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value contains Function interface, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isFunction(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifFunction") <> invalid
end function
' /**
' * @name Rooibos.Common.getFunction
' * @function
' * @description looks up the function by name, for the function map
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {filename} string - name of the file where the function was found
' * @param {String} functionName - name of the function to locate
' * @returns {Function} - function pointer or invalid
' */
function Rooibos_Common_getFunction(filename, functionName) as object
if (not Rooibos_Common_isNotEmptyString(functionName)) then
return invalid
end if
if (not Rooibos_Common_isNotEmptyString(filename)) then
return invalid
end if
mapFunction = RBSFM_getFunctionsForFile(filename)
if mapFunction <> invalid then
map = mapFunction()
if (type(map) = "roAssociativeArray") then
functionPointer = map[functionName]
return functionPointer
return invalid
end if
end if
return invalid
end function
' /**
' * @name Rooibos.Common.getFunctionBruteforce
' * @function
' * @description looks up the function by name, from any function map
' * in future
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {filename} string - name of the file where the function was found
' * @param {String} functionName - name of the function to locate
' * @returns {Function} - function pointer or invalid
' */
function Rooibos_Common_getFunctionBruteForce(functionName) as object
if (not Rooibos_Common_isNotEmptyString(functionName)) then
return invalid
end if
filenames = RBSFM_getFilenames()
for i = 0 to filenames.count() - 1
filename = filenames[i]
mapFunction = RBSFM_getFunctionsForFile(filename)
if mapFunction <> invalid then
map = mapFunction()
if (type(map) = "roAssociativeArray") then
functionPointer = map[functionName]
if functionPointer <> invalid then
return functionPointer
end if
end if
end if
end for
return invalid
end function
' /**
' * @name IsBoolean
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains Boolean interface
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value contains Boolean interface, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isBoolean(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifBoolean") <> invalid
end function
' /**
' * @name IsInteger
' * @function
' * @description check if value type equals Integer
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value type equals Integer, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isInteger(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifInt") <> invalid and (Type(value) = "roInt" or Type(value) = "roInteger" or Type(value) = "Integer")
end function
' /**
' * @name IsFloat
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains Float interface
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value contains Float interface, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isFloat(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifFloat") <> invalid
end function
' /**
' * @name IsDouble
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains Double interface
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value contains Double interface, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isDouble(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifDouble") <> invalid
end function
' /**
' * @name IsLongInteger
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains LongInteger interface
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value contains LongInteger interface, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isLongInteger(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifLongInt") <> invalid
end function
' /**
' * @name IsNumber
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains LongInteger or Integer or Double or Float interface
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value is number, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isNumber(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isLongInteger(value) or Rooibos_Common_isDouble(value) or Rooibos_Common_isInteger(value) or Rooibos_Common_isFloat(value)
end function
' /**
' * @name IsList
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains List interface
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value contains List interface, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isList(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifList") <> invalid
end function
' /**
' * @name IsArray
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains Array interface
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value contains Array interface, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isArray(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifArray") <> invalid
end function
' /**
' * @name IsAssociativeArray
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains AssociativeArray interface
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value contains AssociativeArray interface, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isAssociativeArray(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifAssociativeArray") <> invalid
end function
' /**
' * @name IsSGNode
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains SGNodeChildren interface
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value contains SGNodeChildren interface, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isSGNode(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifSGNodeChildren") <> invalid
end function
' /**
' * @name IsString
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains String interface
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value contains String interface, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isString(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifString") <> invalid
end function
' /**
' * @name IsNotEmptyString
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains String interface and length more 0
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value contains String interface and length more 0, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isNotEmptyString(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isString(value) and len(value) > 0
end function
' /**
' * @name IsDateTime
' * @function
' * @description check if value contains DateTime interface
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value contains DateTime interface, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isDateTime(value) as boolean
return Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) and (GetInterface(value, "ifDateTime") <> invalid or Type(value) = "roDateTime")
end function
' /**
' * @name IsValid
' * @function
' * @description check if value initialized and not equal invalid
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value initialized and not equal invalid, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) as boolean
return not Rooibos_Common_isUndefined(value) and value <> invalid
end function
function Rooibos_Common_isUndefined(value) as boolean
return type(value) = "" or Type(value) = "<uninitialized>"
end function
' /**
' * @name ValidStr
' * @function
' * @description return value if his contains String interface else return empty string
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {String} - value if his contains String interface else return empty string
' */
function Rooibos_Common_validStr(obj) as string
if obj <> invalid and GetInterface(obj, "ifString") <> invalid then
return obj
return ""
end if
end function
' /**
' * @name AsString
' * @function
' * @description convert input to String if this possible, else return empty string
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} input - value to check
' * @returns {String} - converted string
' */
function Rooibos_Common_asString(input) as string
if Rooibos_Common_isValid(input) = false then
return "Invalid"
else if Rooibos_Common_isString(input) then
return input
else if Rooibos_Common_isInteger(input) or Rooibos_Common_isLongInteger(input) or Rooibos_Common_isBoolean(input) then
return input.ToStr()
else if Rooibos_Common_isFloat(input) or Rooibos_Common_isDouble(input) then
return Str(input).Trim()
else if type(input) = "roSGNode" then
return "Node(" + input.subType() + ")"
else if type(input) = "roAssociativeArray" then
isFirst = true
text = "{"
if (not isFirst) then
text = text + ","
isFirst = false
end if
for each key in input
if key <> "__mocks" and key <> "__stubs" then
text = text + key + ":" + Rooibos_Common_asString(input[key])
end if
end for
text = text + "}"
return text
else if Rooibos_Common_isFunction(input) then
return input.toStr()
return ""
end if
end function
' /**
' * @name AsInteger
' * @function
' * @description convert input to Integer if this possible, else return 0
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} input - value to check
' * @returns {Integer} - converted Integer
' */
function Rooibos_Common_asInteger(input) as integer
if Rooibos_Common_isValid(input) = false then
return 0
else if Rooibos_Common_isString(input) then
return input.ToInt()
else if Rooibos_Common_isInteger(input) then
return input
else if Rooibos_Common_isFloat(input) or Rooibos_Common_isDouble(input) or Rooibos_Common_isLongInteger(input) then
return Int(input)
return 0
end if
end function
' /**
' * @name AsLongInteger
' * @function
' * @description convert input to LongInteger if this possible, else return 0
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} input - value to check
' * @returns {Integer} - converted LongInteger
' */
function Rooibos_Common_asLongInteger(input) as longinteger
if Rooibos_Common_isValid(input) = false then
return 0
else if Rooibos_Common_isString(input) then
return Rooibos_Common_asInteger(input)
else if Rooibos_Common_isLongInteger(input) or Rooibos_Common_isFloat(input) or Rooibos_Common_isDouble(input) or Rooibos_Common_isInteger(input) then
return input
return 0
end if
end function
' /**
' * @name AsFloat
' * @function
' * @description convert input to Float if this possible, else return 0.0
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} input - value to check
' * @returns {Float} - converted Float
' */
function Rooibos_Common_asFloat(input) as float
if Rooibos_Common_isValid(input) = false then
return 0
else if Rooibos_Common_isString(input) then
return input.ToFloat()
else if Rooibos_Common_isInteger(input) then
return (input / 1)
else if Rooibos_Common_isFloat(input) or Rooibos_Common_isDouble(input) or Rooibos_Common_isLongInteger(input) then
return input
return 0
end if
end function
' /**
' * @name AsDouble
' * @function
' * @description convert input to Double if this possible, else return 0.0
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} input - value to check
' * @returns {Float} - converted Double
' */
function Rooibos_Common_asDouble(input) as double
if Rooibos_Common_isValid(input) = false then
return 0
else if Rooibos_Common_isString(input) then
return Rooibos_Common_asFloat(input)
else if Rooibos_Common_isInteger(input) or Rooibos_Common_isLongInteger(input) or Rooibos_Common_isFloat(input) or Rooibos_Common_isDouble(input) then
return input
return 0
end if
end function
' /**
' * @name AsBoolean
' * @function
' * @description convert input to Boolean if this possible, else return False
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} input - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - converted boolean
' */
function Rooibos_Common_asBoolean(input) as boolean
if Rooibos_Common_isValid(input) = false then
return false
else if Rooibos_Common_isString(input) then
return LCase(input) = "true"
else if Rooibos_Common_isInteger(input) or Rooibos_Common_isFloat(input) then
return input <> 0
else if Rooibos_Common_isBoolean(input) then
return input
return false
end if
end function
' /**
' * @name AsArray
' * @function
' * @description if type of value equals array return value, else return array with one element [value]
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Array} - converted array
' */
function Rooibos_Common_asArray(value) as object
if Rooibos_Common_isValid(value) then
if not Rooibos_Common_isArray(value) then
return [
return value
end if
end if
return []
end function
' Strings
' /**
' * @name IsNullOrEmpty
' * @function
' * @description check if value is invalid or empty
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if value is null or empty string, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_isNullOrEmpty(value) as boolean
if Rooibos_Common_isString(value) then
return Len(value) = 0
return not Rooibos_Common_isValid(value)
end if
end function
' Arrays
' /**
' * @name FindElementIndexInArray
' * @function
' * @description find an element index in array
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} array - array to search
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @param {Dynamic} compareAttribute - attribue to use for comparisons
' * @param {Boolean} caseSensitive - indicates if comparisons are case sensitive
' * @returns {Integer} - element index if array contains a value, else return -1
' */
function Rooibos_Common_findElementIndexInArray(array, value, compareAttribute = invalid, caseSensitive = false) as integer
if Rooibos_Common_isArray(array) then
for i = 0 to Rooibos_Common_asArray(array).Count() - 1
compareValue = array[i]
if compareAttribute <> invalid and Rooibos_Common_isAssociativeArray(compareValue) then
compareValue = compareValue.lookupCI(compareAttribute)
end if
if Rooibos_Common_eqValues(compareValue, value) then
return i
end if
item = array[i]
end for
end if
return - 1
end function
' /**
' * @name ArrayContains
' * @function
' * @description check if array contains specified value
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} array - array to search in
' * @param {Dynamic} value - value to check
' * @param {Dynamic} compareAttribute - attribute to compare on
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if array contains a value, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_arrayContains(array, value, compareAttribute = invalid) as boolean
return (Rooibos_Common_findElementIndexInArray(array, value, compareAttribute) > - 1)
end function
' /**
' * @name FindElementIndexInNode
' * @function
' * @description find an element index in node
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} node - node to search in
' * @param {Dynamic} value - child to search for
' * @returns {Integer} - element index if node contains a value, else return -1
' */
function Rooibos_Common_findElementIndexInNode(node, value) as integer
if type(node) = "roSGNode" then
for i = 0 to node.getChildCount() - 1
compareValue = node.getChild(i)
if type(compareValue) = "roSGNode" and compareValue.isSameNode(value) then
return i
end if
end for
end if
return - 1
end function
' /**
' * @name NodeContains
' * @description check if node contains specified child
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @param {Dynamic} node - the node to check on
' * @param {Dynamic} value - child to look for
' * @returns {Boolean} - true if node contains a value, else return false
' */
function Rooibos_Common_nodeContains(node, value) as boolean
return (Rooibos_Common_findElementIndexInNode(node, value) > - 1)
end function
' /**
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @name EqValues
' * @function
' * @instance
' * @description Compare two arbtrary values to eachother.
' * @param {Dynamic} Vallue1 - first item to compare
' * @param {Dynamic} Vallue2 - second item to compare
' * @returns {boolean} - True if values are equal or False in other case.
' */
function Rooibos_Common_eqValues(Value1, Value2) as dynamic
' Workaraund for bug with string boxing, and box everything else
val1Type = type(Value1)
val2Type = type(Value2)
if val1Type = "<uninitialized>" or val2Type = "<uninitialized>" or val1Type = "" or val2Type = "" then
print "ERROR!!!! - undefined value passed"
return false
end if
if val1Type = "roString" or val1Type = "String" then
Value1 = Rooibos_Common_asString(Value1)
Value1 = box(Value1)
end if
if val2Type = "roString" or val2Type = "String" then
Value2 = Rooibos_Common_asString(Value2)
Value2 = box(Value2)
end if
'update types after boxing
val1Type = type(Value1)
val2Type = type(Value2)
'Upcast int to float, if other is float
if val1Type = "roFloat" and val2Type = "roInt" then
Value2 = box(Cdbl(Value2))
else if val2Type = "roFloat" and val1Type = "roInt" then
Value1 = box(Cdbl(Value1))
end if
if val1Type <> val2Type then
return false
valtype = val1Type
if valtype = "roList" then
return Rooibos_Common_eqArray(Value1, Value2)
else if valtype = "roAssociativeArray" then
return Rooibos_Common_eqAssocArray(Value1, Value2)
else if valtype = "roArray" then
return Rooibos_Common_eqArray(Value1, Value2)
else if (valtype = "roSGNode") then
if (val2Type <> "roSGNode") then
return false
return Value1.isSameNode(Value2)
end if
else 'If you crashed on this line, then you're trying to compare
'2 things which can't be compared - check what value1 and value2
'are in your debug log
return Value1 = Value2
end if
end if
end function
' /**
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @name EqAssocArray
' * @function
' * @instance
' * @description Compare to roAssociativeArray objects for equality.
' * @param {Dynamic} Vallue1 - first associative array
' * @param {Dynamic} Vallue2 - second associative array
' * @returns {boolean} - True if arrays are equal or False in other case.
' */
function Rooibos_Common_eqAssocArray(Value1, Value2) as dynamic
l1 = Value1.Count()
l2 = Value2.Count()
if not l1 = l2 then
return false
for each k in Value1
if k <> "__mocks" and k <> "__stubs" then 'fix infinite loop/box crash when doing equals on an aa with a mock
if not Value2.DoesExist(k) then
return false
v1 = Value1[k]
v2 = Value2[k]
if not Rooibos_Common_eqValues(v1, v2) then
return false
end if
end if
end if
end for
return true
end if
end function
' /**
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @name EqArray
' * @function
' * @instance
' * @description Compare to roArray objects for equality.
' * @param {Dynamic} Vallue1 - first array
' * @param {Dynamic} Vallue2 - second array
' * @returns {boolean} - True if arrays are equal or False in other case.
' */
function Rooibos_Common_eqArray(Value1, Value2) as dynamic
if not (Rooibos_Common_isArray(Value1)) or not Rooibos_Common_isArray(Value2) then
return false
end if
l1 = Value1.Count()
l2 = Value2.Count()
if not l1 = l2 then
return false
for i = 0 to l1 - 1
v1 = Value1[i]
v2 = Value2[i]
if not Rooibos_Common_eqValues(v1, v2) then
return false
end if
end for
return true
end if
end function
' /**
' * @member fillText
' * @memberof module:CommonUtils
' * @instance
' * @description Fills text with count of fillChars
' * @param {string} text - text to fill
' * @param {string} fillChar - char to fill with
' * @param {integer} numChars - target length
' * @returns {string} filled string
' */
function Rooibos_Common_fillText(text as string, fillChar = " ", numChars = 40) as string
if (len(text) >= numChars) then
text = left(text, numChars - 5) + "..." + fillChar + fillChar
numToFill = numChars - len(text) - 1
for i = 0 to numToFill
text = text + fillChar
end for
end if
return text
end function
'Static, becuase the result might be created across node boundaries, therefore stripping methods
function Rooibos_Common_getAssertLine(testCase, index)
if (testCase.assertLineNumberMap.doesExist(stri(index).trim())) then
return testCase.assertLineNumberMap[stri(index).trim()]
else if (testCase.assertLineNumberMap.doesExist(stri(index + 1000).trim())) then 'this is where we store line numbers for our
return testCase.assertLineNumberMap[stri(index + 1000).trim()]
return testCase.lineNumber
end if
end function