' /**
' * @module TestRunner
' */
' /**
' * @memberof module:TestRunner
' * @name Rooibos_TestRunner
' * @function
' * @description Creates an instance of the test runner
' * @param {Dynamic} args - contains the application launch args, and other settings required for test execution
' */
function __Rooibos_TestRunner_builder()
instance = {}
instance.new = function(args = {})
m.RunItGroups = Rooibos_TestRunnerMixin_RunItGroups
m.RunTestCases = Rooibos_TestRunnerMixin_RunTestCases
m.testScene = args.testScene
m.nodeContext = args.nodeContext
config = RBSFM_getRuntimeConfig()
if (config = invalid or not Rooibos_Common_isAssociativeArray(config)) then
print "WARNING : specified config is invalid - using default"
config = {
showOnlyFailures: false,
failFast: false
end if
'mix in parsed in args
if (args.showOnlyFailures <> invalid) then
config.showOnlyFailures = args.showOnlyFailures = "true"
end if
if (args.failFast <> invalid) then
config.failFast = args.failFast = "true"
end if
m.testUtilsDecoratorMethodName = args.testUtilsDecoratorMethodName
m.config = config
' Internal properties
m.config.testsDirectory = config.testsDirectory
m.logger = Rooibos_Logger(m.config)
m.global = args.global
end function
' /**
' * @memberof module:TestRunner
' * @name Run
' * @function
' * @instance
' * @description Executes all tests for a project, as per the config
' */
instance.run = sub()
if type(RBSFM_getTestSuitesForProject) <> "Function" then
print " ERROR! RBSFM_getTestSuitesForProject is not found! That looks like you didn't run the preprocessor as part of your test process. Please refer to the docs."
end if
totalStatObj = Rooibos_Stats_createTotalStatistic()
m.runtimeConfig = Rooibos_UnitTestRuntimeConfig()
m.runtimeConfig.global = m.global
totalStatObj.testRunHasFailures = false
for each metaTestSuite in m.runtimeConfig.suites
if (m.runtimeConfig.hasSoloTests = true) then
if (metaTestSuite.hasSoloTests <> true) then
if (m.config.logLevel = 2) then
print "TestSuite " ; metaTestSuite.name ; " Is filtered because it has no solo tests"
end if
goto skipSuite
end if
else if (m.runtimeConfig.hasSoloSuites) then
if (metaTestSuite.isSolo <> true) then
if (m.config.logLevel = 2) then
print "TestSuite " ; metaTestSuite.name ; " Is filtered due to solo flag"
end if
goto skipSuite
end if
end if
if (metaTestSuite.isIgnored = true) then
if (m.config.logLevel = 2) then
print "Ignoring TestSuite " ; metaTestSuite.name ; " Due to Ignore flag"
end if
totalStatObj.IgnoredTestNames.push("|-" + metaTestSuite.name + " [WHOLE SUITE]")
goto skipSuite
end if
print ""
print Rooibos_Common_fillText("> SUITE: " + metaTestSuite.name, ">", 80)
if (metaTestSuite.isNodeTest = true and metaTestSuite.nodeTestFileName <> "") then
print " +++++RUNNING NODE TEST"
nodeType = metaTestSuite.nodeTestFileName
print " node type is " ; nodeType
node = m.testScene.CallFunc("Rooibos_CreateTestNode", nodeType)
if (type(node) = "roSGNode" and node.subType() = nodeType) then
args = {
"metaTestSuite": metaTestSuite,
"testUtilsDecoratorMethodName": m.testUtilsDecoratorMethodName,
"config": m.config,
"runtimeConfig": m.runtimeConfig
nodeStatResults = node.callFunc("Rooibos_RunNodeTests", args)
if nodeStatResults <> invalid then
Rooibos_Stats_mergeTotalStatistic(totalStatObj, nodeStatResults)
print " ERROR! The node " ; nodeType ; " did not return stats from the Rooibos_RunNodeTests method. This usually means you are not importing rooibosDist.brs, or rooibosFunctionMap.brs. Please refer to : https://github.com/rokucommunity/rooibos/blob/master/docs/index.md#testing-scenegraph-nodes"
end if
print " ERROR!! - could not create node required to execute tests for " ; metaTestSuite.name
print " Node of type " ; nodeType ; " was not found/could not be instantiated"
end if
if (metaTestSuite.hasIgnoredTests) then
totalStatObj.IgnoredTestNames.push("|-" + metaTestSuite.name)
end if
m.RunItGroups(metaTestSuite, totalStatObj, m.testUtilsDecoratorMethodName, m.config, m.runtimeConfig, m.nodeContext)
end if
end for
if Rooibos_Common_isFunction(RBS_ReportCodeCoverage) then
if m.config.printLcov = true then
end if
end if
end sub
instance.sendHomeKeypress = sub()
ut = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
end sub
return instance
end function
function Rooibos_TestRunner(args = {})
instance = __Rooibos_TestRunner_builder()
return instance
end function
'TODO convert to namespace when Bron fixes bug that does not allow ns resoluiton on assignment
' namespace Rooibos.TestRunnerMixin
sub Rooibos_TestRunnerMixin_RunItGroups(metaTestSuite, totalStatObj, testUtilsDecoratorMethodName, config, runtimeConfig, nodeContext = invalid)
if (testUtilsDecoratorMethodName <> invalid) then
testUtilsDecorator = Rooibos_Common_getFunctionBruteForce(testUtilsDecoratorMethodName)
if (not Rooibos_Common_isFunction(testUtilsDecorator)) then
print "[ERROR] Test utils decorator method `" ; testUtilsDecoratorMethodName ; "` was not in scope! for testSuite: " + metaTestSuite.name
end if
end if
for each itGroup in metaTestSuite.itGroups
testSuite = Rooibos_ItGroup_GetRunnableTestSuite(itGroup)
if (nodeContext <> invalid) then
testSuite.node = nodeContext
testSuite.global = nodeContext.global
testSuite.top = nodeContext.top
end if
if (Rooibos_Common_isFunction(testUtilsDecorator)) then
end if
totalStatObj.Ignored = totalStatObj.Ignored + itGroup.ignoredTestCases.count()
if (itGroup.isIgnored = true) then
if (config.logLevel = 2) then
print "Ignoring itGroup " ; itGroup.name ; " Due to Ignore flag"
end if
totalStatObj.ignored = totalStatObj.ignored + itGroup.testCases.count()
totalStatObj.IgnoredTestNames.push(" |-" + itGroup.name + " [WHOLE GROUP]")
goto skipItGroup
if (itGroup.ignoredTestCases.count() > 0) then
totalStatObj.IgnoredTestNames.push(" |-" + itGroup.name)
totalStatObj.ignored = totalStatObj.ignored + itGroup.ignoredTestCases.count()
for each testCase in itGroup.ignoredTestCases
if (testcase.isParamTest <> true) then
totalStatObj.IgnoredTestNames.push(" | |--" + testCase.name)
else if (testcase.paramTestIndex = 0) then
testCaseName = testCase.Name
if (len(testCaseName) > 1 and right(testCaseName, 1) = "0") then
testCaseName = left(testCaseName, len(testCaseName) - 1)
end if
totalStatObj.IgnoredTestNames.push(" | |--" + testCaseName)
end if
end for
end if
end if
if (runtimeConfig.hasSoloTests) then
if (itGroup.hasSoloTests <> true) then
if (config.logLevel = 2) then
print "Ignoring itGroup " ; itGroup.name ; " Because it has no solo tests"
end if
goto skipItGroup
end if
else if (runtimeConfig.hasSoloGroups) then
if (itGroup.isSolo <> true) then
goto skipItGroup
end if
end if
if (testSuite.testCases.Count() = 0) then
if (config.logLevel = 2) then
print "Ignoring TestSuite " ; itGroup.name ; " - NO TEST CASES"
end if
goto skipItGroup
end if
print ""
print Rooibos_Common_fillText("> GROUP: " + itGroup.name, ">", 80)
if Rooibos_Common_isFunction(testSuite.SetUp) then
end if
Rooibos_TestRunnerMixin_RunTestCases(metaTestSuite, itGroup, testSuite, totalStatObj, config, runtimeConfig)
if Rooibos_Common_isFunction(testSuite.TearDown) then
end if
if (totalStatObj.testRunHasFailures = true and config.failFast = true) then
exit for
end if
end for
end sub
sub Rooibos_TestRunnerMixin_RunTestCases(metaTestSuite, itGroup, testSuite, totalStatObj, config, runtimeConfig)
suiteStatObj = Rooibos_Stats_createSuiteStatistic(itGroup.Name)
testSuite.global = runtimeConfig.global
for each testCase in testSuite.testCases
metaTestCase = itGroup.testCaseLookup[testCase.Name]
metaTestCase.time = 0
if (runtimeConfig.hasSoloTests and not metaTestCase.isSolo) then
goto skipTestCase
end if
print ""
print Rooibos_Common_fillText("> TEST: " + testCase.Name + " ", ">", 80)
if Rooibos_Common_isFunction(testSuite.beforeEach) then
end if
testTimer = CreateObject("roTimespan")
testCaseTimer = CreateObject("roTimespan")
testStatObj = Rooibos_Stats_createTestStatistic(testCase.Name)
testSuite.testCase = testCase.Func
testStatObj.filePath = metaTestSuite.filePath
testStatObj.metaTestCase = metaTestCase
testSuite.currentResult = Rooibos_UnitTestResult()
testStatObj.metaTestCase.testResult = testSuite.currentResult
if (metaTestCase.isParamsValid) then
if (metaTestCase.isParamTest) then
testCaseParams = []
for paramIndex = 0 to metaTestCase.rawParams.count()
paramValue = metaTestCase.rawParams[paramIndex]
if type(paramValue) = "roString" and len(paramValue) >= 8 and left(paramValue, 8) = "#RBSNode" then
nodeType = "ContentNode"
paramDirectiveArgs = paramValue.split("|")
if paramDirectiveArgs.count() > 1 then
nodeType = paramDirectiveArgs[1]
end if
paramValue = createObject("roSGNode", nodeType)
end if
end for
'up to 10 param args supported for now
if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 1) then
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 2) then
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 3) then
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 4) then
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2], testCaseParams[3])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 5) then
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2], testCaseParams[3], testCaseParams[4])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 6) then
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2], testCaseParams[3], testCaseParams[4], testCaseParams[5])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 7) then
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2], testCaseParams[3], testCaseParams[4], testCaseParams[5], testCaseParams[6])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 8) then
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2], testCaseParams[3], testCaseParams[4], testCaseParams[5], testCaseParams[6], testCaseParams[7])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 9) then
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2], testCaseParams[3], testCaseParams[4], testCaseParams[5], testCaseParams[6], testCaseParams[7], testCaseParams[8])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 10) then
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2], testCaseParams[3], testCaseParams[4], testCaseParams[5], testCaseParams[6], testCaseParams[7], testCaseParams[8], testCaseParams[9])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 11) then
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2], testCaseParams[3], testCaseParams[4], testCaseParams[5], testCaseParams[6], testCaseParams[7], testCaseParams[8], testCaseParams[9], testCaseParams[10])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 12) then
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2], testCaseParams[3], testCaseParams[4], testCaseParams[5], testCaseParams[6], testCaseParams[7], testCaseParams[8], testCaseParams[9], testCaseParams[10], testCaseParams[11])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams > 12) then
testSuite.fail("Test case had more than 12 params. Max of 12 params is supported")
end if
metaTestCase.time = testCaseTimer.totalMilliseconds()
metaTestCase.time = testCaseTimer.totalMilliseconds()
end if
testSuite.Fail("Could not parse args for test ")
end if
if testSuite.isAutoAssertingMocks = true then
end if
runResult = testSuite.currentResult.getResult()
if runResult <> "" then
testStatObj.result = "Fail"
testStatObj.error.Code = 1
testStatObj.error.Message = runResult
testStatObj.result = "Success"
end if
testStatObj.time = testTimer.totalMilliseconds()
Rooibos_Stats_appendTestStatistic(suiteStatObj, testStatObj)
if Rooibos_Common_isFunction(testSuite.afterEach) then
end if
if testStatObj.result <> "Success" then
totalStatObj.testRunHasFailures = true
end if
if testStatObj.result = "Fail" and config.failFast = true then
exit for
end if
end for
suiteStatObj.metaTestSuite = metaTestSuite
Rooibos_Stats_appendSuiteStatistic(totalStatObj, suiteStatObj)
end sub
' end namespace