
Standard Projct Structure

If your project is structured the way that Roku expects, then the language features will work with no configuration needed. Here are the default file patterns we use to find files:


And here's an example file structure:

  ├─ manifest
  ├─ images/
  │ └─ logo.jpeg
  ├─ components/
  │ ├─ HomeScene.brs
  │ └─ HomeScene.xml
  └─ source/
    └─ main.brs


In all other situations, you will need to create a bsconfig.json file at the root of your project. The following sections describe the various settings you can utilize to help VSCode to better understand your project

Extra folders

If your project has folders not part of the standard Roku structure, then you will need to specify all of the necessary files in the

Consider this project that includes a config/ folder:

  ├─ manifest
  ├─ images/
  │ └─ logo.jpeg
  ├─ components/
  │ ├─ HomeScene.brs
  │ └─ HomeScene.xml
  ├─ source/
  | └─ main.brs
  └─ config/
    ├─ dev.json
    ├─ test.json
    └─ prod.json

You would create the following bsconfig.json

    "files": [
        //default entries
        //your custom entries


If your project lives in a subdirectory, you should add a rootDir property to the bsconfig.json.

Consider this project:

  ├─ docs/
  │ └─
  └─ src/
    ├─ manifest
    ├─ components/
    | └─ HomeScene.xml
    └─ source/
      └─ main.brs

You would have the following bsconfig.json:

    "rootDir": "./src"

Subdirectory and Extra Folders

If your code is in a subdirectory and you have extra folders

  ├─ docs/
  │ └─
  └─ src/
    ├─ manifest
    ├─ components/
    | └─ HomeScene.xml
    ├─ source/
    | └─ main.brs
    └─ config/
      ├─ dev.json
      ├─ test.json
      └─ prod.json

You would have the following bsconfig.json:

  "rootDir": "./src",
  "files": [
      //every file under the `src` folder should be included in the package

Additional Options

This project relies heavily on the brighterscript project for language server support. See this link to view all of the available bsconfig.json options.